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My Screening for Welcome Home

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

What if I presented my vision of Welcome Home to you? I'm waiting for Mom's 1st drawings to present you a visual..... The base: my house. The place: Burgundy. The theme: The Discovery of Burgundy and the Conviviality of a Family House. Thus, I want my house within the property to be open not only to the outside but also to the world. The exterior: There will be large bay windows to "let in the sun" and the light, the ground floor will be completely open and all the living spaces on this floor will be encompassed in the same field of vision. Who says travel says Space and Freedom. The World: This is the Welcome Home theme. 1 atmosphere per room with inspirations from countries that are close to me, that marked me or saw / made me grow. There will be 4 bedrooms and every 4/5 years I want to change the atmospheres according to my new discoveries/desires.

Of course, I aim for French tourism but also European and international. Why? But quite simply because even if I was not born in Burgundy, Chaudenay is the only landmark of my childhood. This is the place where I came to spend the holidays when my parents put me on the plane to come and see my grandparents. I grew up there and created strong ties by sharing unforgettable moments with my friends and cousins. A place where all generations rubbed shoulders and where we learned from each other. This for the personal part explaining my attachment to this property. Growing up, it became clear that apart from my personal attachment, Burgundy is a magnificent region with certainly a large number of incredible places to discover but also landscapes, a sweetness of life, a real human warmth.... These are the treasures that I wish to share.

The 4 bedrooms upstairs will be dedicated to my guests to rest after their days exploring Burgundy. The day begins with breakfast in the dining room or outside on one of the large family tables. It's time to discuss the day's visits with everyone's opinions / proposals. In the evening upon return, possibility of sharing an aperitif and / or dinner together for the debriefing of everyone's discoveries and sharing "good tips". The swimming pool, the vegetable garden, the pleasure garden will also be open areas if some want to grant themselves 100% natural beaches. Bicycles will be made available for those wishing to make mini excursions with the possibility of reserving a picnic basket for lunch.

My desire: for everyone to take advantage of this "Family House" atmosphere and create memories. The main house will continue to host the family who will share the experience with us.

What are for you the "indispensable / unavoidable" in this project? The rest of the description to come.....

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